Madeleine Bunting Watch

"Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever"

Monday, April 03, 2006


To the emotionally literate world of Our Mads. This blog will self-destruct when the author gets bored.

It is perhaps hard to believe, but until now Maddy's lacked the must-have accessory for the digital age - the cyberstalker. The great Aaro has had one for ages. Even Tim Worstall's got one. Surely a writer who can inspire hundreds of blog postings ranging from this perceptive livejournal user and the Hammer of the Proletariat down to lesser fry like Norm and Harry is not less worthy than they ?

If anyone would like to contribute (or indeed run the site), drop an id in the comments. It's a great idea, but I haven't got time to keep my own blog populated, let alone this one.

But having read Lenin's piece, I couldn't resist the temptation to use the strapline.